Vue Basic Props
This challenge continues from 6 - Simple Vue, you should finish that one first, and modify your code based on it to start this challenge.
In addition to the Simple Vue, we are now having a new props
field in the options. This is a simplified version of Vue's props
option. Here are some of the rules.
is an object containing each field as the key of the real props injected into this
. The injected props will be accessible in all the context including data
, computed
, and methods
A prop will be defined either by a constructor or an object with a type
field containing constructor(s).
For example
props: {
foo: Boolean;
// or
props: {
foo: {
type: Boolean;
should be inferred to type Props = { foo: boolean }
When passing multiple constructors, the type should be inferred to a union.
props: {
foo: {
type: [Boolean, Number, String];
// -->
type Props = { foo: boolean | number | string };
When an empty object is passed, the key should be inferred to any
For more specified cases, check out the Test Cases section.
, and array props in Vue are not considered in this challenge.
type InferComputed<C extends Record<string, any>> = {
[K in keyof C]: ReturnType<C[K]>;
type Prop<T = any> = PropType<T> | { type?: PropType<T> };
type PropType<T> = PropConstructor<T> | PropConstructor<T>[];
type PropConstructor<T = any> =
| { new (...args: any[]): T & object }
| { (): T };
type InferPropType<P> = P extends Prop<infer T>
? unknown extends T
? any
: T
: any;
type InferProps<P extends Record<string, any>> = {
[K in keyof P]: InferPropType<P[K]>;
declare function VueBasicProps<
C extends Record<string, any>,
Props = InferProps<P>
>(options: {
props?: P;
data(this: Props): D;
computed: C & ThisType<Props & D & InferComputed<C> & M>;
methods: M & ThisType<Props & D & InferComputed<C> & M>;
}): Props & D & InferComputed<C> & M;